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Taking vs giving back


Friday Focus

In our lives we take and we give, it is the circle of life. For some they only take and never give to anyone. They believe that resources are scarce and that only the strongest will survive. For others they only give and never feel that they are deserving to take anything for themselves. The key is to balance taking and giving back in your life. Learning to take only what you believe you deserve in life. Once any degree of wealth is attained give back to others. Give genuinely and whole-heartily to a cause that you believe in. Become selfless in spreading the wealth that you have attained. Once you give back to others, more and more wealth in be gained in your life. Having this balance in your life will help you gain more wealth as well as help benefit others. Realize that you deserve more for your life but don’t become greedy and selfish in your ambitions. Instead look to benefit society in a way that has a positive impact on the world. When you so something that benefits more than yourself wealth and happiness will come in spades.

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