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Now vs. The right time


Friday Focus

When it comes to living our lives to the absolute fullest, there will never be a right time to begin to chase your dreams. If you wait for the right opportunity to come or the right circumstances to line up, then you will be waiting for the rest of your life. If there is any good time to start chasing your dreams it is right at this very moment while you are reading this. Take action and don’t look back, begin to develop a plan to achieve your dreams or your purpose in life. It doesn’t matter if you are completely ready for it, when you take continuous action people, events and opportunities will arise along the way. You may also make any necessary adjustments along the way as well. Don’t be afraid to begin, have faith in yourself and passion behind your dreams, any obstacles in your way will be overcome. If you don’t start now you will regret not taking the leap of faith later on in life. Taking the first few steps are always the hardest to take but once momentum is built up then you will become an unstoppable force. Take initiative and go after your dreams with everything you got, true happiness will follow. Don’t wait until tomorrow to start, make it a habit to accomplish something daily that will get you one step closer to your dreams. Today is the beginning of your new life, make the most of it.

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