Taking action
Thursday Empowerment We all have dreams for our lives, things that we want to accomplish with our lives. These dreams are only thoughts...
Learning from failure
Monday Motivation Failure is an inevitable aspect of life no matter what endeavor you may partake in, at some point in your life you have...
Unlimited Energy
Saturday Persistence When we have found our true purpose in life, the purpose that we are willing to dedicate our efforts towards our...
Walking the tightrope
Monday Motivation Our dreams are what we should truly be doing with our lives, they should be the priority and the first endeavor that we...
Sunday Success Story: Les Brown
Sunday Success Story One of the most influential motivational speakers in history, millions of people heard him speak and their lives...
Keep moving the wheel
Saturday Persistence The wheel of life is moving no matter what we do, with each revolution time is ticking away from our lives. Inside...
Wednesday Word Energy is the substance that comprises our entire universe, from our sun down to the littlest molecule everything is made...
Alarm Clock vs. Snooze Button
Friday Focus Most of us have an alarm clock that awakes us at a given time of the day, marking the start of a new day. For some waking up...
Wednesday Word Faith is an invisible force that can’t be seen but it is all around us. Without faith nothing would be achieved for the...
Becoming Positive
Tuesday Transformation There are two types of people in this world, those who are positive and those who are negative. Which type of...