Chance vs. Choice
Friday Focus In today’s society many people believe that any degree of success happens by luck or chance, that others where “at the right...
Sunday Success Story: Jack Welch
Sunday Success Story General Electric is one of those companies that everyone knows about, they are a conglomerate that have stood the...
Saturday Persistence When it comes to achieving our dreams we must put in the work in order to make them become a reality. For some once...
Unlimited Energy
Saturday Persistence When we have found our true purpose in life, the purpose that we are willing to dedicate our efforts towards our...
Keep moving the wheel
Saturday Persistence The wheel of life is moving no matter what we do, with each revolution time is ticking away from our lives. Inside...
Alarm Clock vs. Snooze Button
Friday Focus Most of us have an alarm clock that awakes us at a given time of the day, marking the start of a new day. For some waking up...
Wednesday Word In order to attain our dreams and have any degree of lasting success in our lives we must have a certain quality embedded...
Sunday Success Story: Steve Jobs
Sunday Success Story Apple has now become one of the biggest companies on earth, selling billions of dollars in products every year....
Comfortable vs. Uncomfortable
Friday Focus Comfort is something that all humans want to have, it gives us a feeling of security and relaxation in our lives. Most of...
The silver spoon
Tuesday Transformation For some people in life, they are born into favorable situations such as wealthy families, from the time they are...